Suggested for you...

Easter Special

A special Easter with Vinodilà Wineways!

Treat yourself to an unforgettable experience... that brings you back into the world!

Nature, cities of art, unusual and unique tastings in Friuli Venezia Giulia but not only!

You may customize our proposal as you wish by contacting us!

Enjoy Life!

Tasting games

Experience firsthand the arts and secrets that give life to Italian food and wine specialties: are you looking for unconventional workshops or craft workshops?

Between becoming an expert grape harvester or learning the art of pruning, you can experiment with unusual combinations with a sommelier or learn how to make pizza with the master pizza chef ...

Get ready to become an integral part of the territory, even if just for a day!

Take it Easy

Relax and Wellness

Beauty and well-being, for the body and mind, in a world of sweetness, calm and relaxation: do you know 'wellness in the vineyard'?

For you we have a biosauna in store with aromas of wines, wine therapy treatments, a bed made of grape seeds, a midfulness session in the vineyard ...

Alone or as a couple, for a single session or for a whole stay with our selected hosts, choose your world of relaxation!

Vinodila' Wineways

[vino-di-lâ] a widely used Friulian expression meaning “Let’s go!”

Get away from it all, enjoy a “taste” of an alternative way of life and discover the delights of looking at things from a fresh perspective. Take your pick from the range of options and get ready to take centre stage in authentic, unprecedented and genuinely enthralling experiences, such as visiting vineyards dating back hundreds of years, meetings with wine makers, tastings in heavenly locations, unforgettable tours of the most picturesque sites in Italy and much more besides!

Never stop exploring!

Find out more